This shows that more I have more information on females than on males and therefore it may be advisable that I take females as my target audience as I know more about what they expect and want from a music magazine.
From this I can see that everyone that took my survey were between the ages of 14 and 20. This means that I only have the preferences of this age group and will need to use this age group as my target audience.
From this question I can see that the majority of people that took my questionnaire rarely or never buy a music magazine. And only one person buys one every week. As people don’t buy magazines regularly I would need to include everything that they have voted for to make them want to purchase the magazine.
These results show me that all music is listened to. The most popular is R&B, today this I reflected in the UK top 40. Because all of these have been voted for, I would need to include information on all areas of the music industry but possibly concentrating on R&B and making that the main subject area. Hip hop, Indie and pop closely all have a very similar amount of votes and therefore would need to have equal amounts of information. Only two other types of music were specified and these were (fill in) and (fill in).
From these results I can see that I need to cover a wide range of topics to ensure that my target audience is entirely satisfied with their purchase of the magazine. Interviews got the most votes and therefore will be included in my magazine. Second from top was the music chart which wouldn’t take up much room in the magazine.
This shows that only red white and green should definitely not be chosen. The two favourites were ‘red, white, black and yellow’ and ‘black, white and pink’. The choice of target market would influence which colour scheme would be best to use because if the magazine was aimed at males they wouldn’t be drawn to a magazine that had the colour scheme of ‘black, white and pink’ therefore ‘red, white, black and yellow’ would be used to satisfy the costumer.
This shows that an equal share pictures and text should be used throughout my magazine.
From my target market research I can conclude that my magazine will be aimed at older teenagers/young adults of both genders who have a wide interest in music related topics. I will be focusing on a wide range of music genres in little detail as I found out my main target audience is interested in all areas but I will be mainly focusing on R’n’B as my results suggest that this is the most popular music choice. From my questionnaire results I can see that my target audience expects a wide variety of articles but mainly interviews, gossip and music chart. These articles will all need to be up to date with the latest information. I feel that the front cover of my magazine should be keep quite ordered and a simple colour scheme should be used and my target audience agree with this, an equal share of text and pictures will be used throughout my magazine as this is what the preferred.